Monday, February 16, 2009

Book Report: A Life Without Consequences

A Life Without Consequences
by Stephen Elliot

From the back cover:

Paul is a ward of the court continually moved through the Chicago juvinile system. Paul tries to succeed in schools where children aren't taught to read. He tries to get straight in homes where drug abuse and violence are the norm and find affection in families where the children are constantly being moved and the gaurdians are paid six dollars an hour to look after kids they have no stake in or relation to.
A Life Without Consequences is the semi-autobiographical debut novel by Stephen Elliot.

First paragraphs:

I roll on the couch, silent like padded footsteps. A drity blue pillow softens my cheek. My mind is half white, half black. I roll in the couch, still asleep, still a child. The light from the window paints a pink haze under my eyelids. It's raining blows. Raining blows like so many moons on so many homeless nights, it's raining blows.

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